
Walter Van Assche

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7EEA. I. Aptekarev, Jeffrey S. Geronimo, Walter Van Assche: Varying weights for orthogonal polynomials with monotonically varying recurrence coefficients. Journal of Approximation Theory 150(2): 214-238 (2008)
6EEWalter Van Assche: Rakhmanov's theorem for orthogonal matrix polynomials on the unit circle. Journal of Approximation Theory 146(2): 227-242 (2007)
5EEBernhard Beckermann, J. Coussement, Walter Van Assche: Multiple Wilson and Jacobi-Piñeiro polynomial. Journal of Approximation Theory 132(2): 155-181 (2005)
4EEA. I. Aptekarev, Walter Van Assche: Scalar and matrix Riemann-Hilbert approach to the strong asymptotics of Padé approximants and complex orthogonal polynomials with varying weight. Journal of Approximation Theory 129(2): 129-166 (2004)
3EEA. Sri Ranga, Walter Van Assche: Blumenthal's Theorem for Laurent Orthogonal Polynomials. Journal of Approximation Theory 117(2): 255-278 (2002)
2EEWalter Van Assche: Book Review: "Wavelets Made Easy" by Yves Nievergelt. Journal of Approximation Theory 112(2): 323-324 (2001)
1EEWalter Van Assche: Book Review: "Constructive Approximation on the Sphere, with Application to Geomathematics" by W. Freeden, T. Gervens and M. Schreiner. Journal of Approximation Theory 112(2): 324-325 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1A. I. Aptekarev [4] [7]
2Bernhard Beckermann [5]
3J. Coussement [5]
4Jeffrey S. Geronimo [7]
5A. Sri Ranga [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)