
Koichi Asakura

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11 Koichi Asakura, Toyohide Watanabe: A Location-based Routing Protocol with Position History for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. ICWN 2007: 223-228
10 Hiroya Takikawa, Koichi Asakura, Toyohide Watanabe: Online Communication Control for Sharing Route Information of Vehicles. ICWN 2007: 425-430
9 Yusuke Koyanagi, Koichi Asakura, Toyohide Watanabe: Inter-Vehicle Communication Protocol for Acquiring Traffic Information on Specified Position. ICWN 2007: 431-434
8 Yoji Ishii, Koichi Asakura, Toyohide Watanabe: A Method for Updating Location-based Information on Ad-hoc Network. PDPTA 2006: 164-170
7 Junya Oishi, Koichi Asakura, Toyohide Watanabe: An Approximate Model of Radio Wave Propagation for Inter-Vehicles Communication Simulation Systems. PDPTA 2006: 192-198
6 Koichi Asakura, Bing Shao, Toyohide Watanabe: A Task Duplication Based Scheduling Algorithm for Avoiding Useless Duplication. PDPTA 2006: 676-682
5 Keiji Miura, Katsushi Sanda, Koichi Asakura, Toyohide Watanabe: High-speed Transfer Method for Synchronization Message between Inter-related Tasks. PDPTA 1999: 2501-2506
4 Koichi Asakura, Toyohide Watanabe: Fine Grain Execution Control of Procedure-oriented Tasks on Computer Cluster Environment. PDPTA 1999: 2739-2745
3 Katsushi Sanda, Koichi Asakura, Toyohide Watanabe: Access Patterns Analysis Between Intertask-dependent Arrays. PDPTA 1999: 2746-2752
2 Koichi Asakura, Toyohide Watanabe: A Program Partitioning Method for Parallelizing Compiler on Workstation Clusters. PDPTA 1997: 222-
1 Koichi Asakura, Toyohide Watanabe, Noboru Sugie: C Parallelizing Compiler on Local-Network-Based Computer Environment. IPPS 1993: 849-853

Coauthor Index

1Yoji Ishii [8]
2Yusuke Koyanagi [9]
3Keiji Miura [5]
4Junya Oishi [7]
5Katsushi Sanda [3] [5]
6Bing Shao [6]
7Noboru Sugie [1]
8Hiroya Takikawa [10]
9Toyohide Watanabe [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]

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