
Dennis S. Arnon

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17 Dennis S. Arnon: Scrimshaw: A Language for Document Queries and Transformations. Electronic Publishing 6(4): 385-396 (1993)
16 Dennis S. Arnon: Towards a Deductive Database for Elementary Algebra and Geometry. Workshop on Deductive Databases 1990: 0-
15 Dennis S. Arnon: Geometric Reasoning with Logic and Algebra. Artif. Intell. 37(1-3): 37-60 (1988)
14 Dennis S. Arnon, George E. Collins, Scott McCallum: An Adjacency Algorithm for Cylindrical Algebraic Decompositions of Three-Dimensional Space. J. Symb. Comput. 5(1/2): 163-187 (1988)
13 Dennis S. Arnon: A Cluster-Based Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition Algorithm. J. Symb. Comput. 5(1/2): 189-212 (1988)
12 Dennis S. Arnon, Scott McCallum: A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for the Topological Type of a Real Algebraic Curve. J. Symb. Comput. 5(1/2): 213-236 (1988)
11 Dennis S. Arnon, Maurice Mignotte: On Mechanical Quantifier Elimination for Elementary Algebra and Geometry. J. Symb. Comput. 5(1/2): 237-259 (1988)
10 Dennis S. Arnon: A Bibliography of Quantifier Elimination for Real Closed Fields. J. Symb. Comput. 5(1/2): 267-274 (1988)
9 Dennis S. Arnon, George E. Collins, Scott McCallum: An Adjacency Algorithm for Cylindrical Algebraic Decompositions of Three-Dimensional Space. European Conference on Computer Algebra (2) 1985: 246-261
8 Dennis S. Arnon: A Cluster-Based Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition Algorithm. European Conference on Computer Algebra (2) 1985: 262-269
7 Dennis S. Arnon: On Mechanical Quantifier Elimination for Elementary Algebra and Geometry: Solution of a Non-Trivial Problem. European Conference on Computer Algebra (2) 1985: 270-271
6 Dennis S. Arnon, Scott McCallum: A Polynominal Time Algorithm for the Topological Type of a Real Algebraic Curve. European Conference on Computer Algebra (2) 1985: 275-276
5 Dennis S. Arnon, George E. Collins, Scott McCallum: Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition I: The Basic Algorithm. SIAM J. Comput. 13(4): 865-877 (1984)
4 Dennis S. Arnon, George E. Collins, Scott McCallum: Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition II: An Adjacency Algorithm for the Plane. SIAM J. Comput. 13(4): 878-889 (1984)
3 Dennis S. Arnon, Scott F. Smith: Towards mechanical solution of the Kahan Ellipse Problem 1. EUROCAL 1983: 36-44
2 Dennis S. Arnon, Scott McCallum: Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition by Quantifier Elimination. EUROCAM 1982: 215-222
1 Dennis S. Arnon: A cellular decomposition algorithm for semi-algebraic sets. EUROSAM 1979: 301-315

Coauthor Index

1George E. Collins [4] [5] [9] [14]
2Scott McCallum [2] [4] [5] [6] [9] [12] [14]
3Maurice Mignotte [11]
4Scott F. Smith [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)