
Angelo Arleo

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7EELouis-Emmanuel Martinet, Benjamin Fouque, Jean-Baptiste Passot, Jean-Arcady Meyer, Angelo Arleo: Modelling the Cortical Columnar Organisation for Topological State-Space Representation, and Action Planning. SAB 2008: 137-147
6EELouis-Emmanuel Martinet, Jean-Baptiste Passot, Benjamin Fouque, Jean-Arcady Meyer, Angelo Arleo: Map-Based Spatial Navigation: A Cortical Column Model for Action Planning. Spatial Cognition 2008: 39-55
5EEEgidio D'Angelo, Thierry Nieus, Michele Bezzi, Angelo Arleo, Olivier J. M. D. Coenen: Modeling Synaptic Transmission and Quantifying Information Transfer in the Granular Layer of the Cerebellum. IWANN 2005: 107-114
4EEChristian Boucheny, Nicolas Brunel, Angelo Arleo: A Continuous Attractor Network Model Without Recurrent Excitation: Maintenance and Integration in the Head Direction Cell System. Journal of Computational Neuroscience 18(2): 205-227 (2005)
3EEThomas Strösslin, Christophe Krebser, Angelo Arleo, Wulfram Gerstner: Combining Multimodal Sensory Input for Spatial Learning. ICANN 2002: 87-92
2EEAngelo Arleo, Wulfram Gerstner: Spatial orientation in navigating agents: Modeling head-direction cells. Neurocomputing 38-40: 1059-1065 (2001)
1 Angelo Arleo, Fabrizio Smeraldi, Stéphane Hug, Wulfram Gerstner: Place Cells and Spatial Navigation Based on 2D Visual Feature Extraction, Path Integration, and Reinforcement Learning. NIPS 2000: 89-95

Coauthor Index

1Michele Bezzi [5]
2Christian Boucheny [4]
3Nicolas Brunel [4]
4Olivier J. M. D. Coenen [5]
5Egidio D'Angelo [5]
6Benjamin Fouque [6] [7]
7Wulfram Gerstner [1] [2] [3]
8Stéphane Hug [1]
9Christophe Krebser [3]
10Louis-Emmanuel Martinet [6] [7]
11Jean-Arcady Meyer [6] [7]
12Thierry Nieus [5]
13Jean-Baptiste Passot [6] [7]
14Fabrizio Smeraldi [1]
15Thomas Strösslin [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)