
Hector Arias

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4EEOscar Castillo, Jose Soria, Hector Arias, Jose Morales, Mirsa Inzunza: Intelligent Control and Planning of Autonomous Mobile Robots Using Fuzzy Logic and Multiple Objective Genetic Algorithms. Analysis and Design of Intelligent Systems using Soft Computing Techniques 2007: 799-807
3EEOscar Castillo, Arnulfo Alanis, Mario Garcia, Hector Arias: An intuitionistic fuzzy system for time series analysis in plant monitoring and diagnosis. Appl. Soft Comput. 7(4): 1227-1233 (2007)
2 Arnulfo Alanis, Karim Ramirez, Oscar Castillo, Hector Arias, Patricia Melin: Monitoring and Diagnostics with Intelligent Agents using Fuzzy Logic. IC-AI 2006: 571-577
1 Oscar Montiel, Oscar Castillo, Jose Soria, Antonio Rodriguez, Hector Arias, Roberto Sepúlveda: The Human Evolutionary Model: A new approach for solving nonlinear optimization problems avoiding the problem of cycling. Engineering Letters 13(2): 117-123 (2006)

Coauthor Index

1Arnulfo Alanis [2] [3]
2Oscar Castillo [1] [2] [3] [4]
3Mario Garcia [3]
4Mirsa Inzunza [4]
5Patricia Melin [2]
6Oscar Montiel [1]
7Jose Morales [4]
8Karim Ramirez [2]
9Antonio Rodriguez [1]
10Roberto Sepúlveda [1]
11Jose Soria [1] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)