
Robert M. Argent

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10EERobert M. Argent, Alexey Voinov, Thomas Maxwell, Susan M. Cuddy, Joel M. Rahman, Shane P. Seaton, R. A. Vertessy, Roger D. Braddock: Comparing modelling frameworks - A workshop approach. Environmental Modelling and Software 21(7): 895-910 (2006)
9EERobert M. Argent: A case study of environmental modelling and simulation using transplantable components. Environmental Modelling and Software 20(12): 1514-1523 (2005)
8EERobert M. Argent: Concepts, methods and applications in environmental model integration. Environmental Modelling and Software 19(3): 217 (2004)
7EERobert M. Argent: An overview of model integration for environmental applications--components, frameworks and semantics. Environmental Modelling and Software 19(3): 219-234 (2004)
6EERobert M. Argent, Rodger B. Grayson: A modelling shell for participatory assessment and management of natural resources. Environmental Modelling and Software 18(6): 541-551 (2003)
5EEJustin F. Costelloe, Rodger B. Grayson, Robert M. Argent, Thomas Aquinas McMahon: Modelling the flow regime of an arid zone floodplain river, Diamantina River, Australia. Environmental Modelling and Software 18(8-9): 693-703 (2003)
4 P. Parker, Rebecca A. Letcher, Anthony J. Jakeman, M. B. Beck, G. Harris, Robert M. Argent, Matthew Hare, Claudia Pahl-Wostl, Alexey Voinov, M. Janssen: Progress in integrated assessment and modelling. Environmental Modelling and Software 17(3): 209-217 (2002)
3 Robert M. Argent, Rodger B. Grayson: Design of information systems for environmental managers: an example using interface prototyping. Environmental Modelling and Software 16(5): 433-438 (2001)
2 Robert M. Argent: Integration of Remote Data Into Water Resources Simulation Software: Now or Never? ISESS 1999: 103-113
1 Robert M. Argent: Environmental Software Systems in Water Resources: Problems and Approaches - Workshop Report. ISESS 1999: 249-258

Coauthor Index

1M. B. Beck [4]
2Roger D. Braddock [10]
3Justin F. Costelloe [5]
4Susan M. Cuddy [10]
5Rodger B. Grayson [3] [5] [6]
6Matthew Hare [4]
7G. Harris [4]
8Anthony J. Jakeman [4]
9M. Janssen [4]
10Rebecca A. Letcher [4]
11Thomas Maxwell [10]
12Thomas Aquinas McMahon [5]
13Claudia Pahl-Wostl [4]
14P. Parker [4]
15Joel M. Rahman [10]
16Shane P. Seaton [10]
17R. A. Vertessy [10]
18Alexey Voinov [4] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)