
K. Araki

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3 K. Araki, M. Kuroda: Generality of spoken dialogue system using SeGA-IL for different languages. Computational Intelligence 2006: 72-77
2EEA. Imada, K. Araki: Explorations of fitness landscapes of a Hopfield associative memory with random and evolutionary walks. KES (2) 1998: 364-369
1EEK. Araki, K. Hinatsu, K. Itayama, T. Sahara, Y. Sakagami, F. Takano: Development Of Basic Practical Techniques For Japanese Letter String Processing - Automatic Keyword Extraction And Automatic Reading. COLING 1982: 21-24

Coauthor Index

1K. Hinatsu [1]
2A. Imada [2]
3K. Itayama [1]
4M. Kuroda [3]
5T. Sahara [1]
6Y. Sakagami [1]
7F. Takano [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)