
Varsha Apte

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16EEVipul Mathur, Sanket Dhopeshwarkar, Varsha Apte: MASTH proxy: an extensible platform for web overload control. WWW 2009: 1113-1114
15EEVipul Mathur, Varsha Apte: An overhead and resource contention aware analytical model for overloaded Web servers. Journal of Systems and Software 82(1): 39-55 (2009)
14EEAkhila Deshpande, Varsha Apte, Supriya Marathe: PerfCenter: a performance modeling tool for application hosting centers. WOSP 2008: 79-90
13EERukma Prabhu Verlekar, Varsha Apte: A Proxy-Based Self-tuned Overload Control for Multi-tiered Server Systems. HiPC 2007: 285-296
12EERukma Prabhu Verlekar, Varsha Apte, Prakhar Goyal, Bhavish Agarwal: PerfCenter: A Methodology and Tool for Performance Analysis of Application Hosting Centers. MASCOTS 2007: 201-208
11EEVarsha Apte: Performance Analysis of Distributed Software Systems: Approaches Based on Queueing Theory. WICSA 2007: 39
10EEVipul Mathur, Varsha Apte: An overhead and resource contention aware analytical model for overloaded web servers. WOSP 2007: 26-37
9EEShrirang Sudhir Shirodkar, Varsha Apte: AutoPerf: an automated load generator and performance measurement tool for multi-tier software systems. WWW 2007: 1291-1292
8EEPreetam Patil, Varsha Apte: An Autonomous Distributed Admission Control Scheme for IEEE 802.11 DCF CoRR abs/0705.2819: (2007)
7 Shourya P. Bhattacharya, Varsha Apte: A measurement study of the Linux TCP/IP stack performance and scalability on SMP systems. COMSWARE 2006
6EERukma Prabhu Verlekar, Varsha Apte: A methodology and tool for performance analysis of distributed server systems. ICSE 2006: 913-916
5EENaresh Singhmar, Vipul Mathur, Varsha Apte, D. Manjunath: A Combined LIFO-Priority Scheme for Overload Control of E-commerce Web Servers CoRR abs/cs/0611087: (2006)
4EEB. Nagaprabhanjan, Varsha Apte: A Tool for Automated Resource Consumption Profiling of Distributed Transactions. ICDCIT 2005: 154-165
3EEPreetam Patil, Varsha Apte: Sizing of IEEE 802.11 wireless LANs. WMASH 2005: 96-99
2EEVipul Mathur, Varsha Apte: A Computational Complexity-Aware Model for Performance Analysis of Software Servers. MASCOTS 2004: 537-544
1EEVarsha Apte, Tony Hansen, Paul Reeser: Performance comparison of dynamic web platforms. Computer Communications 26(8): 888-898 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Bhavish Agarwal [12]
2Shourya P. Bhattacharya [7]
3Akhila Deshpande [14]
4Sanket Dhopeshwarkar [16]
5Prakhar Goyal [12]
6Tony Hansen [1]
7D. Manjunath [5]
8Supriya Marathe [14]
9Vipul Mathur [2] [5] [10] [15] [16]
10B. Nagaprabhanjan [4]
11Preetam Patil [3] [8]
12Paul Reeser [1]
13Shrirang Sudhir Shirodkar [9]
14Naresh Singhmar [5]
15Rukma Prabhu Verlekar [6] [12] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)