
Manoj Apte

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6EEJothi P. Neelamegam, Srigurunath Chakravarthi, Manoj Apte, Anthony Skjellum: PromisQoS: An Architecture for Delivering QoS to High-Performance Applications on Myrinet Clusters. LCN 2003: 510-517
5EESrigurunath Chakravarthi, Anand Pillai, Jothi P. Neelamegam, Manoj Apte, Anthony Skjellum: A Fine-Grain Clock Synchronization Mechanism for Myrinet Clusters. LCN 2002: 708-715
4EERajanikanth Batchu, Anthony Skjellum, Zhenqian Cui, Murali Beddhu, Jothi P. Neelamegam, Yoginder S. Dandass, Manoj Apte: MPI/FTTM: Architecture and Taxonomies for Fault-Tolerant, Message-Passing Middleware for Performance-Portable Parallel Computing. CCGRID 2001: 26-33
3 Manoj Apte, Srigurunath Chakravarthi, Jothi Padmanabhan, Anthony Skjellum: Synchronized Real-Time Linux Based Myrinet Cluster for Deterministic High Performance Computing and MPI/RT. IPDPS 2001: 92
2EEManoj Apte, Srigurunath Chakravarthi, Anand Pillai, Anthony Skjellum, Xin Yan Zan: Time Based Linux for Real-Time NOWs and MPI/RT. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium 1999: 220-222
1 Manoj Apte, Bharat K. Soni: Parallel Solution - Adaptive Structured Grid Generator for Complex Multiblock Topologie. PDPTA 1997: 874-879

Coauthor Index

1Rajanikanth Batchu [4]
2Murali Beddhu [4]
3Srigurunath Chakravarthi [2] [3] [5] [6]
4Zhenqian Cui [4]
5Yoginder S. Dandass [4]
6Jothi P. Neelamegam [4] [5] [6]
7Jothi Padmanabhan [3]
8Anand Pillai [2] [5]
9Anthony Skjellum [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
10Bharat K. Soni [1]
11Xin Yan Zan [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)