
Konstantinos Antonis

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5EEKonstantinos Antonis, Nikos S. Voros: System level design of telecom systems using formal model refinement: Applying the B method/language in practice. Journal of Systems Architecture - Embedded Systems Design 54(1-2): 287-304 (2008)
4EEKonstantinos Antonis, Petros Lampsas, Jim Prentzas: Adult Distance Learning Using a Web-Based Learning Management System: Methodology and Results. ICWL 2007: 508-519
3EEKonstantinos Antonis, Nikos S. Voros: Applying formal methods for the design of wireless telecommunication systems. MobiMedia 2007: 26
2EEKonstantinos Antonis, John D. Garofalakis, Ioannis Mourtos, Paul G. Spirakis: A hierarchical adaptive distributed algorithm for load balancing. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 64(1): 151-162 (2004)
1EEKonstantinos Antonis, John D. Garofalakis, Paul G. Spirakis: A Competitive Symmetrical Transfer Policy for Load Sharing. Euro-Par 1998: 352-355

Coauthor Index

1John D. Garofalakis [1] [2]
2Petros Lampsas [4]
3Ioannis Mourtos [2]
4Jim Prentzas [4]
5Paul G. Spirakis [1] [2]
6Nikos S. Voros [3] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)