
Bernard Ans

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4EESerban C. Musca, Stephane Rousset, Bernard Ans: Differential retroactive interference in humans following exposure to structured or unstructured learning material: a single distributed neural network account. Connect. Sci. 16(2): 101-118 (2004)
3EEBernard Ans, Stephane Rousset, Robert M. French, Serban C. Musca: Self-refreshing memory in artificial neural networks: learning temporal sequences without catastrophic forgetting. Connect. Sci. 16(2): 71-99 (2004)
2EEBernard Ans, Stephane Rousset: Neural networks with a self-refreshing memory: knowledge transfer in sequential learning tasks without catastrophic forgetting. Connect. Sci. 12(1): 1-19 (2000)
1EEBernard Ans, Yves Coiton, Jean-Claude Gilhodes, Jean-Luc Velay: A neural network model for temporal sequence learning and motor programming. Neural Networks 7(9): 1461-1476 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Yves Coiton [1]
2Robert M. French [3]
3Jean-Claude Gilhodes [1]
4Serban C. Musca [3] [4]
5Stephane Rousset [2] [3] [4]
6Jean-Luc Velay [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)