
Josep Maria Anglada

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7EEJosep Maria Anglada, Emili Besalú, Josep Maria Bofill, Ramon Crehuet: On the quadratic reaction path evaluated in a reduced potential energy surface model and the problem to locate transition states. Journal of Computational Chemistry 22(4): 387-406 (2001)
6EEJosep Maria Anglada, Emili Besalú, Josep Maria Bofill, Ramon Crehuet: On the quadratic reaction path evaluated in a reduced potential energy surface model and the problem to locate transition states. Journal of Computational Chemistry 22(7): 803 (2001)
5EEJosep Maria Bofill, Ibério de Pinho Ribeiro Moreira, Josep Maria Anglada, Francesc Illas: Accurate and efficient determination of higher roots in diagonalization of large matrices based in function restricted optimization algorithms. Journal of Computational Chemistry 21(15): 1375-1386 (2000)
4EEJosep Maria Anglada, Emili Besalú, Josep Maria Bofill, Ramon Crehuet: Prediction of approximate transition states by Bell-Evans-Polanyi principle: I. Journal of Computational Chemistry 20(11): 1112-1129 (1999)
3EEJosep Maria Anglada, Emili Besalú, Josep Maria Bofill, Ramon Crehuet: Prediction of approximate transition states by Bell-Evans-Polanyi principle: II. Gas phase unimolecular decomposition of methyldioxirane. Journal of Computational Chemistry 20(11): 1130-1137 (1999)
2EEJosep Maria Anglada, Josep Maria Bofill: How good is a Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno-like update Hessian formula to locate transition structures? Specific reformulation of Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno for optimizing saddle points. Journal of Computational Chemistry 19(3): 349-362 (1998)
1EEJosep Maria Anglada, Josep Maria Bofill: A reduced-restricted-quasi-Newton-Raphson method for locating and optimizing energy crossing points between two potential energy surfaces. Journal of Computational Chemistry 18(8): 992-1003 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Emili Besalú [3] [4] [6] [7]
2Josep Maria Bofill [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
3Ramon Crehuet [3] [4] [6] [7]
4Francesc Illas [5]
5Ibério de Pinho Ribeiro Moreira [5]

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