
Nicos Angelopoulos

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16EENicos Angelopoulos, James Cussens: Tempering for Bayesian C&RT. ICML 2005: 17-24
15EENicos Angelopoulos, James Cussens: Exploiting Informative Priors for Bayesian Classification and Regression Trees. IJCAI 2005: 641-646
14EENicos Angelopoulos, James Cussens: Exploiting independence for branch operations in Bayesian learning of C&RTs. Probabilistic, Logical and Relational Learning 2005
13EENicos Angelopoulos: Probabilistic Space Partitioning in Constraint Logic Programming. ASIAN 2004: 48-62
12EENicos Angelopoulos: clp(pdf(y)): Constraints for Probabilistic Reasoning in Logic Programming. CP 2003: 784-788
11EENicos Angelopoulos: Extending the CLP Engine for Reasoning under Uncertainty. ISMIS 2003: 365-373
10EENicos Angelopoulos: Probabilistic Finite Domains: A Brief Overview. ICLP 2002: 475
9EENicos Angelopoulos: Exporting Prolog source code. WLPE 2002: 89-96
8EENicos Angelopoulos: Exporting Prolog source code CoRR cs.SE/0207051: (2002)
7 Graham J. L. Kemp, Nicos Angelopoulos, Peter M. D. Gray: Architecture of a mediator for a bioinformatics database federation. IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 6(2): 116-122 (2002)
6EENicos Angelopoulos, James Cussens: Prolog Issues of an MCMC Algorithm. INAP 2001: 246-253
5EENicos Angelopoulos, James Cussens: Prolog Issues and Experimental Results of an MCMC Algorithm. INAP (LNCS Volume) 2001: 186-196
4EENicos Angelopoulos, James Cussens: Markov Chain Monte Carlo using Tree-Based Priors on Model Structure. UAI 2001: 16-23
3 Graham J. L. Kemp, Nicos Angelopoulos, Peter M. D. Gray: A Schema-based Approach to Building a Bioinformatics Database Federation. BIBE 2000: 13-20
2EEGraham J. L. Kemp, Chris J. Robertson, Peter M. D. Gray, Nicos Angelopoulos: CORBA and XML: Design Choices for Database Federations. BNCOD 2000: 191-208
1 Nicos Angelopoulos, Alessandra Di Pierro, Herbert Wiklicky: Implementing Randomised Algorithms in Constraint Logic Programming. IJCSLP 1998: 355-356

Coauthor Index

1James Cussens [4] [5] [6] [14] [15] [16]
2Peter M. D. Gray [2] [3] [7]
3Graham J. L. Kemp [2] [3] [7]
4Alessandra Di Pierro [1]
5Chris J. Robertson [2]
6Herbert Wiklicky [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)