
Alessandro De Angelis

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9EEMarco Frailis, Oriana Mansutti, Praveen Boinee, Giuseppe Cabras, Alessandro De Angelis, Barbara De Lotto, Alberto Forti, Mauro Dell'Orso, Riccardo Paoletti, Angelo Scribano, Nicola Turini, Mose Mariotti, Luigi Peruzzo, Antonio Saggion: A third level trigger programmable on FPGA for the gamma/hadron separation in a Cherenkov telescope using pseudo-Zernike moments and the SVM classifier CoRR abs/cs/0602083: (2006)
8 Praveen Boinee, Alessandro De Angelis, Gian Luca Foresti: Ensembling Classifiers - An application to image data classification from Cherenkov telescope experiment. IEC (Prague) 2005: 394-398
7EEPraveen Boinee, F. Barbarino, Alessandro De Angelis: Multidimensional data classification with artificial neural networks CoRR abs/cs/0412023: (2004)
6EEMarco Frailis, Alessandro De Angelis, V. Roberto: Perspects in astrophysical databases CoRR cs.DB/0402016: (2004)
5EEAlessandro De Angelis, Praveen Boinee, Marco Frailis, Edoardo Milotti: Self-Organising Networks for Classification: developing Applications to Science Analysis for Astroparticle Physics CoRR cs.NE/0402014: (2004)
4EEMarco Frailis, Alessandro De Angelis, V. Roberto: Data Management and Mining in Astrophysical Databases CoRR cs.DB/0307032: (2003)
3EEPraveen Boinee, Alessandro De Angelis, Edoardo Milotti: Automatic Classification using Self-Organising Neural Networks in Astrophysical Experiments CoRR cs.NE/0307031: (2003)
2EEAlessandro De Angelis, Marco Ciuchini, Paolo Del Giudice: Neural Networks for Physics Analysis in Delphi. Int. J. Neural Syst. 3(Supplement): 255-265 (1992)
1EEPaula Eerola, Jussi Kalkkinen, Alessandro De Angelis, Gabriele Cosmo, N. De Groot, Martin Los, L. Lyons, Ezio Torassa, Erik Vallazza: Classification of The Decays of the Z0 into b and c Quark Pairs Using a Neural Network. Int. J. Neural Syst. 3(Supplement): 309-314 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1F. Barbarino [7]
2Praveen Boinee [3] [5] [7] [8] [9]
3Giuseppe Cabras [9]
4Marco Ciuchini [2]
5Gabriele Cosmo [1]
6Mauro Dell'Orso [9]
7Paula Eerola [1]
8Gian Luca Foresti [8]
9Alberto Forti [9]
10Marco Frailis [4] [5] [6] [9]
11Paolo Del Giudice [2]
12N. De Groot [1]
13Jussi Kalkkinen [1]
14Martin Los [1]
15Barbara De Lotto [9]
16L. Lyons [1]
17Oriana Mansutti [9]
18Mose Mariotti [9]
19Edoardo Milotti [3] [5]
20Riccardo Paoletti [9]
21Luigi Peruzzo [9]
22V. Roberto [4] [6]
23Antonio Saggion [9]
24Angelo Scribano [9]
25Ezio Torassa [1]
26Nicola Turini [9]
27Erik Vallazza [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)