
Phil Andrews

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16EEMartin Margo, Kenneth Yoshimoto, Patricia A. Kovatch, Phil Andrews: Impact of Reservations on Production Job Scheduling. JSSPP 2007: 116-131
15EEPhil Andrews, Chris Jordan, Wayne Pfeiffer: Marching Towards Nirvana: Configurations for Very High Performance Parallel File Systems. CLUSTER 2006
14 Phil Andrews, Christopher T. Jordan, Patricia A. Kovatch: DataGrid Authentication via GSI Certificates Within a Very Large Global File System. GCA 2006: 3-10
13 Phil Andrews: Utilizing a Massively Parallel Neural Network and a HPC Data Environment for Cancer Diagnosis. MLMTA 2006: 71-79
12EELeslie S. Perkins, Phil Andrews, Dhabaleswar Panda, Dave Morton, Ron Bonica, Nick Henry Werstiuk, Randy Kreiser: Data intensive computing - Data intensive computing. SC 2006: 69
11EEPhil Andrews, Martin Margo, Amit Chourasia, John Towns: Enabling HPC E-Science via Integrated Grid Infrastructure. e-Science 2006: 156
10 Phil Andrews, Patricia A. Kovatch, Chris Jordan: Implementing a Global File System for High-Performance Grid Computing. GCA 2005: 99-105
9EEKenneth Yoshimoto, Patricia A. Kovatch, Phil Andrews: Co-scheduling with User-Settable Reservations. JSSPP 2005: 146-156
8EEPhil Andrews, Bryan Banister, Patricia A. Kovatch, Chris Jordan, Roger L. Haskin: Scaling a Global File System to the Greatest Possible Extent, Performance, Capacity, and Number of Users. MSST 2005: 109-117
7EEPhil Andrews, Patricia A. Kovatch, Chris Jordan: Massive High-Performance Global File Systems for Grid computing. SC 2005: 53
6 Phil Andrews, Bryan Banister, Patricia A. Kovatch: High-Performance Grid Computing via Distributed Data Access. PDPTA 2004: 1366-1376
5EEMichael Wan, Arcot Rajasekar, Reagan Moore, Phil Andrews: A Simple Mass Storage System for the SRB Data Grid. IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems 2003: 20-
4EEPhil Andrews, Tom Sherwin, Bryan Banister: A Centralized Data Access Model for Grid Computin. IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems 2003: 280-289
3EEPhil Andrews: Introduction. The Journal of Supercomputing 11(3): 211-212 (1997)
2EEPhil Andrews, Joel Welling: The Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center's computer graphics environment. Computers & Graphics 17(1): 5-8 (1993)
1EEJoel Welling, Chris Nuuja, Phil Andrews: P3D: a Lisp-based format for representing general 3D models. SC 1990: 766-774

Coauthor Index

1Bryan Banister [4] [6] [8]
2Ron Bonica [12]
3Amit Chourasia [11]
4Roger L. Haskin [8]
5Christopher T. Jordan (Chris Jordan) [7] [8] [10] [14] [15]
6Patricia A. Kovatch [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [14] [16]
7Randy Kreiser [12]
8Martin Margo [11] [16]
9Reagan Moore (Reagan W. Moore) [5]
10Dave Morton [12]
11Chris Nuuja [1]
12Dhabaleswar Panda [12]
13Leslie S. Perkins [12]
14Wayne Pfeiffer [15]
15Arcot Rajasekar [5]
16Tom Sherwin [4]
17John Towns [11]
18Michael Wan [5]
19Joel Welling [1] [2]
20Nick Henry Werstiuk [12]
21Kenneth Yoshimoto [9] [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)