
George E. Andrews

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22EEGeorge E. Andrews, James A. Sellers: On Sloane's generalization of non-squashing stacks of boxes. Discrete Mathematics 307(9-10): 1185-1190 (2007)
21EEKrishnaswami Alladi, George E. Andrews, Ken Ono, Richard J. McIntosh: On the work of Basil Gordon. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 113(1): 21-38 (2006)
20EEGeorge E. Andrews: On a Partition Function of Richard Stanley. Electr. J. Comb. 11(2): (2004)
19EEGeorge E. Andrews, Arnold Knopfmacher: An Algorithmic Approach to Discovering and Proving q-Series Identities. Algorithmica 29(1): 34-43 (2001)
18EEGeorge E. Andrews, Richard P. Lewis: An algebraic identity of F.H. Jackson and its implications for partitions. Discrete Mathematics 232(1-3): 77-83 (2001)
17EEGeorge E. Andrews, Richard P. Lewis: Restricted bipartitions. Discrete Mathematics 232(1-3): 85-89 (2001)
16EEGeorge E. Andrews, Peter Paule, Axel Riese: MacMahon's Partition Analysis: The Omega Package. Eur. J. Comb. 22(7): 887-904 (2001)
15EEGeorge E. Andrews: Umbral Calculus, Bailey Chains, and Pentagonal Number Theorems. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 91(1-2): 464-475 (2000)
14EEGeorge E. Andrews: q-analogs of the binomial coefficient congruences of Babbage, Wolstenholme and Glaisher. Discrete Mathematics 204(1-3): 15-25 (1999)
13EEGeorge E. Andrews: Pfaff's method (I): The Mills-Robbins-Rumsey determinant. Discrete Mathematics 193(1-3): 43-60 (1998)
12EEGeorge E. Andrews, Dennis Stanton: Determinants in Plane Partition Enumeration. Eur. J. Comb. 19(3): 273-282 (1998)
11EEGeorge E. Andrews, R. Roy: Ramanujan's method in q-series congruences. Electr. J. Comb. 4(2): (1997)
10EEGeorge E. Andrews, Davide Crippa, Klaus Simon: q-Series Arising From The Study of Random Graphs. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 10(1): 41-56 (1997)
9EEGeorge E. Andrews: Pfaff's method (III): Comparison with the WZ method. Electr. J. Comb. 3(2): (1996)
8 George E. Andrews: On a Conjecture of Peter Borwein. J. Symb. Comput. 20(5/6): 487-501 (1995)
7 George E. Andrews: Plane Partitions V: The TSSCPP Conjecture. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 66(1): 28-39 (1994)
6 George E. Andrews, Peter Paule: Some Questions Concerning Computer-Generated Proofs of a Binomial Double- Sum Identy. J. Symb. Comput. 16(2): 147-153 (1993)
5 George E. Andrews: Application of Scratchpad to Problems in Special Functions and Combinatorics. Trends in Computer Algebra 1987: 158-166
4EEGeorge E. Andrews: Catalan numbers, q-Catalan numbers and hypergeometric series. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 44(2): 267-273 (1987)
3EEA. K. Agarwal, George E. Andrews: Rogers-Ramanujan identities for partitions with "N copies of N". J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 45(1): 40-49 (1987)
2EEGeorge E. Andrews, Ian P. Goulden, David M. Jackson: Shanks' convergence acceleration transform, Padé approximants and partitions. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 43(1): 70-84 (1986)
1EEGeorge E. Andrews, David M. Bressoud: Identities in combinatorics III: Further aspects of ordered set sorting. Discrete Mathematics 49(3): 223-236 (1984)

Coauthor Index

1A. K. Agarwal [3]
2Krishnaswami Alladi [21]
3David M. Bressoud [1]
4Davide Crippa [10]
5Ian P. Goulden (I. P. Goulden) [2]
6David M. Jackson [2]
7Arnold Knopfmacher [19]
8Richard P. Lewis [17] [18]
9Richard J. McIntosh [21]
10Ken Ono [21]
11Peter Paule [6] [16]
12Axel Riese [16]
13R. Roy [11]
14James A. Sellers [22]
15Klaus Simon [10]
16Dennis Stanton [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)