
Kevin K. Anderson

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5EEJason M. Gilmore, Deanna L. Auberry, Julia L. Sharp, Amanda M. White, Kevin K. Anderson, Don Simone Daly: A Bayesian estimator of protein-protein association probabilities. Bioinformatics 24(13): 1554-1555 (2008)
4EEAmanda M. White, Don Simone Daly, Susan M. Varnum, Kevin K. Anderson, Nikki Bollinger, Richard C. Zangar: ProMAT: protein microarray analysis tool. Bioinformatics 22(10): 1278-1279 (2006)
3EEDon Simone Daly, Amanda M. White, Susan M. Varnum, Kevin K. Anderson, Richard C. Zangar: Evaluating concentration estimation errors in ELISA microarray experiments. BMC Bioinformatics 6: 17 (2005)
2 Kevin K. Anderson, Matthew E. Monroe, Don Simone Daly: Estimating Probabilities of Peptide Assignments to LC-FTICR-MS Observations. METMBS 2004: 151-156
1EEDon Simone Daly, Robert A. Wind, Paul D. Majors, Kevin K. Anderson, G. R. Holtom, Eric J. Ackerman: An integrated confocal and magnetic resonance microscope for observing living cells. ISBI 2002: 801-804

Coauthor Index

1Eric J. Ackerman [1]
2Deanna L. Auberry [5]
3Nikki Bollinger [4]
4Don Simone Daly [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
5Jason M. Gilmore [5]
6G. R. Holtom [1]
7Paul D. Majors [1]
8Matthew E. Monroe [2]
9Julia L. Sharp [5]
10Susan M. Varnum [3] [4]
11Amanda M. White [3] [4] [5]
12Robert A. Wind [1]
13Richard C. Zangar [3] [4]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)