
Edward Anderson

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4EEEdward Anderson, Frank Kelly, Richard Steinberg: A Contract and Balancing Mechanism for Sharing Capacity in a Communication Network. Computing and Markets 2005
3EEJames A. Fitzsimmons, Edward Anderson, Douglas Morrice, G. Edward Powell: Managing service supply relationships. IJSTM 5(3): 221-232 (2004)
2EEEdward Anderson, Youcef Saad: Solving Sparse Triangular Linear Systems on Parallel Computers. International Journal of High Speed Computing 1(1): 73-95 (1989)
1 Edward Anderson, Yousef Saad: Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Methods for General Sparse Matrices on Shared Memory Machines. PPSC 1987: 88-92

Coauthor Index

1James A. Fitzsimmons [3]
2Frank Kelly [4]
3Douglas Morrice [3]
4G. Edward Powell [3]
5Youcef Saad [2]
6Yousef Saad [1]
7Richard Steinberg [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)