
Massimo Ancona

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39EESara Drago, Anton Bogdanovych, Massimo Ancona, Simeon J. Simoff, Carles Sierra: From Graphs to Euclidean Virtual Worlds: Visualization of 3D Electronic Institutions. ACSC 2007: 25-33
38EEDavide Ancona, Massimo Ancona, Antonio Cuni, Nicholas D. Matsakis: RPython: a step towards reconciling dynamically and statically typed OO languages. DLS 2007: 53-64
37EEMassimo Ancona, Davide Conte, Gianluca Quercini, Marco Casamassima: Attention-Aware Cultural Heritage Applications on Mobile Phones. WOWMOM 2007: 1-8
36EEMassimo Ancona, Walter Cazzola, Sara Drago, Gianluca Quercini: Visualizing and Managing Network Topologies via Rectangular Dualization. ISCC 2006: 1000-1005
35 Walter Cazzola, Sonia Pini, Massimo Ancona: Design-Based Pointcuts Robustness Against Software Evolution. RAM-SE 2006: 35-45
34EEMassimiliano Pittore, Marco Cappello, Massimo Ancona, N. Scagliola: Role of image recognition in defining the user's in 3G phone applications: the AGAMEMNON experience. ICIP (3) 2005: 1012-1015
33 Walter Cazzola, Sonia Pini, Massimo Ancona: The Role of Design Information in Software Evolution. RAM-SE 2005: 59-72
32EEWalter Cazzola, Sonia Pini, Massimo Ancona: AOP for software evolution: a design oriented approach. SAC 2005: 1346-1350
31EEWalter Cazzola, Sonia Pini, Massimo Ancona: Evolving Pointcut Definition to Get Software Evolution. RAM-SE 2004: 83-88
30EEMassimo Ancona, Walter Cazzola: Implementing the essence of reflection: a reflective run-time environment. SAC 2004: 1503-1507
29EEMassimo Ancona, Walter Cazzola, Daniele D'Agostino: Smart Data Caching in Archeological Wireless Applications: the PAST Solution. PDP 2003: 532-536
28EEMassimo Ancona, Sandro Locati, Alessio Romagnoli: Context and location aware textual data input. SAC 2001: 425-428
27 Massimo Ancona, Gabriella Dodero, Vittoria Gianuzzi, F. Minuto, M. Guida: Mobile Computing in a Hospital: the WARD-IN-HAND Project. SAC (2) 2000: 554-556
26 Anna Accornero, Massimo Ancona, Sonia Varini: All Separating Triangles in a Plane Graph Can Be Optimally "Broken" in Polynomial Time. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 11(3): 405-421 (2000)
25EEMassimo Ancona, Gabriella Dodero, Vittoria Gianuzzi: RAMSES: A Mobile Computing System for Field Archaeology. HUC 1999: 222-233
24EEMassimo Ancona, Gabriella Dodero, Vittoria Gianuzzi: Mobile Computing in Outdoor Environments (Extended Abstract). SAC 1999: 413-415
23 Massimo Ancona, Walter Cazzola, Eduardo B. Fernández: Reflective Authorization Systems: Possibilities, Benefits, and Drawbacks. Secure Internet Programming 1999: 35-49
22EEAnna Accornero, Massimo Ancona, Sonia Varini: All Separating Triangles in a Plane Graph Can Be Optimally "Broken" in Polynomial Time. WG 1999: 278-290
21EEMassimo Ancona, Walter Cazzola, Eduardo B. Fernández: Reflective Authorization Systems. ECOOP Workshops 1998: 281
20 Massimo Ancona, Walter Cazzola: Static Header as Sentinel. SIGPLAN Notices 33(6): 61-64 (1998)
19EEMassimo Ancona, M. De Benedetto: A parallel algorithm for "document segmentation". PDP 1995: 516-521
18EEMassimo Ancona, Gabriella Dodero, Andrea Clematis: Reusing a compiler. SAC 1994: 82-87
17 Massimo Ancona, Alessandro Paone: Table Merging by Compatible Partitions for LR Parsers is NP-complete. Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 30(3): 123-134 (1994)
16EEMassimo Ancona, P. Nieddu: Filtering Import: A Basic Mechanism for Reusability. SAC 1993: 103-110
15 Massimo Ancona, Claudia Fassino, Vittoria Gianuzzi: Optimization of LR(k) ``Reduced Parsers''. Inf. Process. Lett. 41(1): 13-20 (1992)
14 Massimo Ancona, Gabriella Dodero, Vittoria Gianuzzi, M. Morgavi: Efficient Construction of LR(k) States and Tables. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 13(1): 150-178 (1991)
13 Massimo Ancona, Andrea Clematis, Leila De Floriani, Enrico Puppo: HIDEL: A Language for Hierarchical VLSI Design. Comput. J. 34(3): 195-206 (1991)
12EEMassimo Ancona, Andrea Clematis, Gabriella Dodero, Vittoria Gianuzzi: An approach to application software fault tolerance. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1990
11 Massimo Ancona, Leila De Floriani, Jitender S. Deogun: Structured Spanning Trees. Comput. J. 33(4): 344-355 (1990)
10 Massimo Ancona, Gabriella Dodero, Vittoria Gianuzzi, Andrea Clematis, Eduardo B. Fernández: A System Architecture for Fault Tolerance in Concurrent Software. IEEE Computer 23(10): 23-32 (1990)
9 Elisabetta Bruzzone, Leila De Floriani, Jitender S. Deogun, Massimo Ancona, Kunwarjit S. Bagga: Structured Graph Models: An Efficient Tool for VLSI Desgin. Great Lakes Computer Science Conference 1989: 307-312
8 Massimo Ancona, Andrea Clematis, Gabriella Dodero, Eduardo B. Fernández, Vittoria Gianuzzi: A System Architecture for Software Fault Tolerance. Fehlertolerierende Rechensysteme 1987: 273-283
7 Massimo Ancona, Leila De Floriani, Jitender S. Deogun: Path Problems in Structured Graphs. Comput. J. 29(6): 553-563 (1986)
6 Massimo Ancona, Andrea Clematis, Vittoria Gianuzzi: Interfacing User Processes and Kernel in High Level Language. Operating Systems Review 20(1): 19-23 (1986)
5 Massimo Ancona, Andrea Clematis, Gabriella Dodero, A. Pino: A High Level Language Based System for Cross-Assembler Definition. Softw., Pract. Exper. 15(12): 1159-1184 (1985)
4 Massimo Ancona, Leila De Floriani, Gabriella Dodero, S. Mancosu: Integrating Library Modules into Pascal Programs. Softw., Pract. Exper. 14(5): 401-412 (1984)
3 Massimo Ancona, Gabriella Dodero, Vittoria Gianuzzi: Building Collections of LR(k) Items with Partial Expansion of Lookahead Strings. SIGPLAN Notices 17(5): 24-28 (1982)
2 Massimo Ancona, Vittoria Gianuzzi: A New Method for Implementing LR(k) Tables. Inf. Process. Lett. 13(4/5): 171-176 (1981)
1 Massimo Ancona, Gabriella Dodero, E. L. Durante: Cross Software Development for Microprocessors Using a Translator Writing System. ICSE 1979: 399-402

Coauthor Index

1Anna Accornero [22] [26]
2Davide Ancona [38]
3Kunwarjit S. Bagga [9]
4M. De Benedetto [19]
5Anton Bogdanovych [39]
6Elisabetta Bruzzone [9]
7Marco Cappello [34]
8Marco Casamassima [37]
9Walter Cazzola [20] [21] [23] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [35] [36]
10Andrea Clematis [5] [6] [8] [10] [12] [13] [18]
11Davide Conte [37]
12Antonio Cuni [38]
13Daniele D'Agostino [29]
14Jitender S. Deogun [7] [9] [11]
15Gabriella Dodero [1] [3] [4] [5] [8] [10] [12] [14] [18] [24] [25] [27]
16Sara Drago [36] [39]
17E. L. Durante [1]
18Claudia Fassino [15]
19Eduardo B. Fernández [8] [10] [21] [23]
20Leila De Floriani [4] [7] [9] [11] [13]
21Vittoria Gianuzzi [2] [3] [6] [8] [10] [12] [14] [15] [24] [25] [27]
22M. Guida [27]
23Sandro Locati [28]
24S. Mancosu [4]
25Nicholas D. Matsakis [38]
26F. Minuto [27]
27M. Morgavi [14]
28P. Nieddu [16]
29Alessandro Paone [17]
30Sonia Pini [31] [32] [33] [35]
31A. Pino [5]
32Massimiliano Pittore [34]
33Enrico Puppo [13]
34Gianluca Quercini [36] [37]
35Alessio Romagnoli [28]
36N. Scagliola [34]
37Carles Sierra [39]
38Simeon J. Simoff [39]
39Sonia Varini [22] [26]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)