
Nawarat Ananchuen

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11EENawarat Ananchuen, Watcharaphong Ananchuen, Michael D. Plummer: Matching properties in connected domination critical graphs. Discrete Mathematics 308(7): 1260-1267 (2008)
10EENawarat Ananchuen, Lou Caccetta, Watcharaphong Ananchuen: A characterization of maximal non-k-factor-critical graphs. Discrete Mathematics 307(1): 108-114 (2007)
9EENawarat Ananchuen, Michael D. Plummer: Matchings in 3-vertex-critical graphs: The odd case. Discrete Mathematics 307(13): 1651-1658 (2007)
8EENawarat Ananchuen, Michael D. Plummer: 3-Factor-criticality in domination critical graphs. Discrete Mathematics 307(23): 3006-3015 (2007)
7EENawarat Ananchuen, Michael D. Plummer: Errata to "Matching properties in domination critical graphs" [Discrete Math 277 (2004) 1-13]. Discrete Mathematics 306(2): 291 (2006)
6EENawarat Ananchuen, Michael D. Plummer: Erratum to: "Some results related to the toughness of 3-domination critical graphs" [Discrete Math 272 (2003) 5-15]. Discrete Mathematics 306(2): 292 (2006)
5EENawarat Ananchuen, Michael D. Plummer: Matchings in 3-vertex-critical graphs: The even case. Networks 45(4): 210-213 (2005)
4EENawarat Ananchuen, Michael D. Plummer: Matching properties in domination critical graphs. Discrete Mathematics 277(1-3): 1-13 (2004)
3EENawarat Ananchuen, Akira Saito: Factor criticality and complete closure of graphs. Discrete Mathematics 265(1-3): 13-21 (2003)
2EENawarat Ananchuen, Michael D. Plummer: Some results related to the toughness of 3-domination critical graphs. Discrete Mathematics 272(1): 5-15 (2003)
1EENawarat Ananchuen, Lou Caccetta: Matching extension and minimum degree. Discrete Mathematics 170(1-3): 1-13 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Watcharaphong Ananchuen [10] [11]
2Lou Caccetta (Louis Caccetta) [1] [10]
3Michael D. Plummer [2] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11]
4Akira Saito [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)