
Edward Amoroso

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8EEEdward Amoroso, R. Kwapniewski: Selection Criteria for Intrusion Detection Systems. ACSAC 1998: 280-
7 Edward Amoroso, Eugene Kogan, Brenda McAnderson, Dan Powell, Brian Rexroad, Steve Schuster, Anthony Stramaglia: Local Area Detection of Incoming War Dial Activity. SRDS 1998: 486-491
6 Edward Amoroso, Matt Bishop: Secruity Enables Electronic Commerce. J. Network Syst. Manage. 4(3): (1996)
5EEEdward Amoroso, Carol Taylor, John Watson, Jonathan Weiss: A Process-Oriented Methodology for Assessing and Improving Software Trustworthiness. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 1994: 39-50
4EEEdward Amoroso: A graduate course in computing security technology. SIGCSE 1993: 251-255
3EEMarshall D. Abrams, Edward Amoroso, Leonard J. LaPadula, Teresa F. Lunt, James G. Williams: Report of an integrity research study group. Computers & Security 12(7): 679-689 (1993)
2 Edward Amoroso, T. Nguyen, Jonathan Weiss, John Watson, P. Lapiska, T. Starr: Toward an Approach to Measuring Software Trust. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1991: 198-218
1 Edward Amoroso: A Policy Model for Denial of Service. CSFW 1990: 110-114

Coauthor Index

1Marshall D. Abrams [3]
2Matt Bishop [6]
3Eugene Kogan [7]
4R. Kwapniewski [8]
5Leonard J. LaPadula [3]
6P. Lapiska [2]
7Teresa F. Lunt [3]
8Brenda McAnderson [7]
9T. Nguyen [2]
10Dan Powell [7]
11Brian Rexroad [7]
12Steve Schuster [7]
13T. Starr [2]
14Anthony Stramaglia [7]
15Carol Taylor [5]
16John Watson [2] [5]
17Jonathan Weiss [2] [5]
18James G. Williams [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)