
Yali Amit

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14EESandro Romani, Daniel J. Amit, Yali Amit: Optimizing One-Shot Learning with Binary Synapses. Neural Computation 20(8): 1928-1950 (2008)
13EEYali Amit, Alain Trouvé: POP: Patchwork of Parts Models for Object Recognition. International Journal of Computer Vision 75(2): 267-282 (2007)
12EEYali Amit, Alain Trouvé: Generative Models for Labeling Multi-object Configurations in Images. Toward Category-Level Object Recognition 2006: 362-381
11EEElliot Joel Bernstein, Yali Amit: Part-Based Statistical Models for Object Classification and Detection. CVPR (2) 2005: 734-740
10EEYali Amit, Donald Geman, Xiaodong Fan: A Coarse-to-Fine Strategy for Multiclass Shape Detection. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 26(12): 1606-1621 (2004)
9 Yali Amit, Massimo Mascaro: Attractor Networks for Shape Recognition. Neural Computation 13(6): 1415-1442 (2001)
8 Yali Amit: A Neural Network Architecture for Visual Selection. Neural Computation 12(5): 1141-1164 (2000)
7 Yali Amit, Donald Geman: A Computational Model for Visual Selection. Neural Computation 11(7): 1691-1715 (1999)
6 Yali Amit: Graphical Shape Templates for Automatic Anatomy Detection with Applications to MRI Brain Scans. IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging 16(1): 28-40 (1997)
5 Yali Amit, Kenneth Wilder: Joint Induction of Shape Features and Tree Classifiers. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 19(11): 1300-1305 (1997)
4EEYali Amit, Donald Geman: Shape Quantization And Recognition With Randomized Trees. Neural Computation 9(7): 1545-1588 (1997)
3EEYali Amit, Augustine Kong: Graphical Templates for Model Registration. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 18(3): 225-236 (1996)
2 Yali Amit, Michael I. Miller: Large deviations for coding Markov chains and Gibbs random fields. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 39(1): 109-118 (1993)
1 Yali Amit, Michael I. Miller: Large deviations for the asymptotics of Ziv-Lempel codes for 2-D Gibbs fields. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 38(4): 1271-1275 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Daniel J. Amit [14]
2Elliot Joel Bernstein [11]
3Xiaodong Fan [10]
4Donald Geman [4] [7] [10]
5Augustine Kong [3]
6Massimo Mascaro [9]
7Michael I. Miller [1] [2]
8Sandro Romani [14]
9Alain Trouvé [12] [13]
10Kenneth Wilder [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)