
Ana Maria Ambrosio

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5EEAna Maria Ambrosio, Maria de Fátima Mattiello-Francisco, Valdivino A. Santiago, Wendell Pereira da Silva, Eliane Martins: Designing Fault Injection Experiments Using State-Based Model to Test a Space Software. LADC 2007: 170-178
4 Valdivino A. Santiago, Maria de Fátima Mattiello-Francisco, Ricardo Costa, Wendell Pereira da Silva, Ana Maria Ambrosio: QSEE Project: An Experience in Outsourcing Software Development for Space Applications. SEKE 2007: 51-56
3EEEliane Martins, Selma B. Sabião, Ana Maria Ambrosio: ConData: A Tool for Automating Specification-based Test Case Generation for Communication Systems. HICSS 2000: 8012-
2 Ana Maria Ambrosio, Luciana Seda C. Gonçalves, Paulo Eduardo Cardoso: An Experience in Testing an Object-Oriented Satellite Control System. Software Quality Journal 8(4): 271-283 (1999)
1 Eliane Martins, Selma B. Sabião, Ana Maria Ambrosio: ConData: A Tool for Automating Specification-Based Test Case Generation for Communication Systems. Software Quality Journal 8(4): 303-320 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Paulo Eduardo Cardoso [2]
2Ricardo Costa [4]
3Luciana Seda C. Gonçalves [2]
4Eliane Martins [1] [3] [5]
5Maria de Fátima Mattiello-Francisco [4] [5]
6Selma B. Sabião [1] [3]
7Valdivino A. Santiago [4] [5]
8Wendell Pereira da Silva [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)