
N. Ilker Altintas

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7EEN. Ilker Altintas, Semih Cetin, Mehmet Surav: OCTOPODA: Building Financial Gateways Family System Using Domain Specific Kits. ICONS 2008: 85-92
6EEN. Ilker Altintas, Semih Cetin: Managing Large Scale Reuse Across Multiple Software Product Lines. ICSR 2008: 166-177
5EESemih Cetin, N. Ilker Altintas, Halit Oguztuzun, Ali H. Dogru, Ozgur Tufekci, Selma Suloglu: Legacy Migration to Service-Oriented Computing with Mashups. ICSEA 2007: 21
4EESemih Cetin, N. Ilker Altintas, Remzi Solmaz: Business Rules Segregation for Dynamic Process Management with an Aspect-Oriented Framework. Business Process Management Workshops 2006: 193-204
3EESemih Cetin, N. Ilker Altintas, Cevat Sener: An Architectural Modeling Approach with Symmetric Alignment of Multiple Concern Spaces. ICSEA 2006: 48
2EEN. Ilker Altintas, Semih Cetin, Ali H. Dogru: Industrializing Software Development: The "Factory Automation" Way. TEAA 2006: 54-68
1EEN. Ilker Altintas, Semih Cetin: Integrating a Software Product Line with Rule-Based Business Process Modeling. TEAA 2005: 15-28

Coauthor Index

1Semih Cetin [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
2Ali H. Dogru [2] [5]
3Halit Oguztuzun [5]
4Cevat Sener [3]
5Remzi Solmaz [4]
6Selma Suloglu [5]
7Mehmet Surav [7]
8Ozgur Tufekci [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)