
Clint J. van Alten

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9EEWojciech Dzik, Ewa Orlowska, Clint J. van Alten: Relational Representation Theorems for General Lattices with Negations. RelMiCS 2006: 162-176
8EEWojciech Dzik, Ewa Orlowska, Clint J. van Alten: Relational Representation Theorems for Lattices with Negations: A Survey. Theory and Applications of Relational Structures as Knowledge Instruments 2006: 245-266
7EEClint J. van Alten: On Varieties of Biresiduation Algebras. Studia Logica 83(1-3): 425-445 (2006)
6EEJames G. Raftery, Clint J. van Alten: Corrigendum: Residuation in Commutative Ordered Monoids with Minimal Zero. Reports on Mathematical Logic 39: 133-135 (2005)
5EEClint J. van Alten, James G. Raftery: Rule Separation and Embedding Theorems for Logics Without Weakening. Studia Logica 76(2): 241-274 (2004)
4 Willem J. Blok, Clint J. van Alten: On the Finite Embeddability Property for Residuated Lattices, Pocrims and BCK-algebras. Reports on Mathematical Logic 34: 159-165 (2000)
3 James G. Raftery, Clint J. van Alten: Residuation in Commutative Ordered Monoids with Minimal Zero. Reports on Mathematical Logic 34: 23-57 (2000)
2 Clint J. van Alten, James G. Raftery: The Finite Model Property for the Implicational Fragment of IPC Without Exchange and Contraction. Studia Logica 63(2): 213-222 (1999)
1EEClint J. van Alten, James G. Raftery: On Quasivariety Semantics of Fragments of Intuitionistic Propositional Logic without Exchange and Contraction Rules. Reports on Mathematical Logic 31: 3-55 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Willem J. Blok [4]
2Wojciech Dzik [8] [9]
3Ewa Orlowska [8] [9]
4James G. Raftery [1] [2] [3] [5] [6]

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