
Sarmad Alshawi

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3EEFarouk Missi, Sarmad Alshawi, Guy Fitzgerald: Why CRM Efforts Fail? A Study of the Impact of Data Quality and Data Integration. HICSS 2005
2EEFarouk Missi, Sarmad Alshawi, Guy Fitzgerald: Towards a Framework for Realizing healthcare management benefits through the Integration of Patient's Information. ECIS 2004
1EESarmad Alshawi, Xiaoning Yu, Zahir Irani: Supporting technology driven business processes through the internet: a practical technical note. IJSTM 3(2): 238-248 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Guy Fitzgerald [2] [3]
2Zahir Irani [1]
3Farouk Missi [2] [3]
4Xiaoning Yu [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)