
Sema E. Alptekin

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3EEJon E. Ervin, Sema E. Alptekin: Combs Method Used in an Intuitionistic Fuzzy Logic Application. WILF 2007: 306-312
2EEJon C. Ervin, Sema E. Alptekin, Dianne J. DeTurris: Optimization of the Fuzzy Logic Controller for an Autonomous UAV. EUSFLAT Conf. 2005: 227-232
1EEMei-Ling L. Liu, Tao Yang, Sema E. Alptekin, Kiyoshi Kato: Deploying the Mobile-Agent Technology in Warehouse Management. IEA/AIE 2000: 651-659

Coauthor Index

1Dianne J. DeTurris [2]
2Jon C. Ervin [2]
3Jon E. Ervin [3]
4Kiyoshi Kato [1]
5Mei-Ling L. Liu [1]
6Tao Yang [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)