
Justin Almquist

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6EEAdam Wynne, Ian Gorton, Justin Almquist, Jack Chatterton, Dave Thurman: A Flexible, High Performance Service-Oriented Architecture for Detecting Cyber Attacks. HICSS 2008: 263
5EEIan Gorton, Adam Wynne, Justin Almquist, Jack Chatterton: The MeDICi Integration Framework: A Platform for High Performance Data Streaming Applications. WICSA 2008: 95-104
4EEIan Gorton, Justin Almquist, Kevin Dorow, Peng Gong, Dave Thurman: An Architecture for Dynamic Data Source Integration. HICSS 2005
3EEJustin Almquist, Ian Gorton, Jereme Haack: Integration of a Text Search Engine with a Java Messaging Service. SEM 2004: 19-30
2EEIan Gorton, Justin Almquist, Nick Cramer, Jereme Haack, Mark Hoza: An Efficient, Scalable Content-Based Messaging System. EDOC 2003: 278-287
1 Judi Thomson, Alan Chappell, Justin Almquist: Enterprise Middleware for Scientific Data. ICEIS (1) 2003: 112-119

Coauthor Index

1Alan Chappell [1]
2Jack Chatterton [5] [6]
3Nick Cramer [2]
4Kevin Dorow [4]
5Peng Gong [4]
6Ian Gorton [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
7Jereme Haack [2] [3]
8Mark Hoza [2]
9Judi Thomson [1]
10Dave Thurman [4] [6]
11Adam Wynne [5] [6]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)