
N. Almeida

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3EEN. Almeida, R. Alemany, F. Glege, J. C. da Silva, J. Varela: A software package for the configuration of hardware devices following a generic model. Computer Physics Communications 163(1): 41-52 (2004)
2EEN. Almeida, S. A. Abrantes: A Novel Approach to ARQ Error Control Mechanisms for Wireless LANs Communications. LCN 2000: 22-31
1 N. Almeida, J. Cabral, A. Alves: End-to-End Synchronization in Packet Switched Networks. NOSSDAV 1991: 84-93

Coauthor Index

1S. A. Abrantes [2]
2R. Alemany [3]
3A. Alves [1]
4J. Cabral [1]
5F. Glege [3]
6J. C. da Silva [3]
7J. Varela [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)