
Tony Allen

Tony J. Allen

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9EET. McQueen, Adrian A. Hopgood, Tony J. Allen, Jonathan A. Tepper: Extracting finite structure from infinite language. Knowl.-Based Syst. 18(4-5): 135-141 (2005)
8EENasser Sherkat, Tony J. Allen, Wing Wong: Use of colour for hand-filled form analysis and recognition. Pattern Anal. Appl. 8(1-2): 163-180 (2005)
7EEYeow Kee Tan, Nasser Sherkat, Tony Allen: Error recovery in a blended style eye gaze and speech interface. ICMI 2003: 196-202
6EEMandana Ebadian Dehkordi, Nasser Sherkat, Tony Allen: Handwriting style classification. IJDAR 6(1): 55-74 (2003)
5EEWing Seong Wong, Nasser Sherkat, Tony Allen: Contextual Focus for Improved Recognition of Hand-Filled Forms. ICDAR 2001: 748-752
4EEJonathan Allan, Tony Allen, Nasser Sherkat, Peter Halstead: Automated Assessment: It's Assessment Jim But Not As We Know It. ICDAR 2001: 926-
3EEWing Seong Wong, Nasser Sherkat, Tony Allen: Use of Colour in Form Layout Analysis. ICDAR 2001: 942-946
2EEMandana Ebadian Dehkordi, Nasser Sherkat, Tony Allen: Prediction of Handwriting Legibility. ICDAR 2001: 997-1001
1EENasser Sherkat, Tony J. Allen: Whole Word Recognition in Facsimile Images. ICDAR 1999: 547-550

Coauthor Index

1Jonathan Allan [4]
2Mandana Ebadian Dehkordi [2] [6]
3Peter Halstead [4]
4Adrian A. Hopgood [9]
5T. McQueen [9]
6Nasser Sherkat [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
7Yeow Kee Tan [7]
8Jonathan A. Tepper [9]
9Wing Wong [8]
10Wing Seong Wong [3] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)