
Irena M. Ali

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5 Irena M. Ali, Leoni Warne: Knowledge Management and Social Learning. Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (III) 2005: 1764-1770
4EELeoni Warne, Irena M. Ali, Celina Pascoe: Team Building as a Foundation for Knowledge Management: Findings from Research into Social Learning in the Australian Defence Organisation. JIKM 2(2): 93-106 (2003)
3EEIrena M. Ali, Helen Hasan, Edward Gould, Henry Linger: Panel : Knowledge management : The cultural context for enabling technology. ECIS 2002
2EEIrena M. Ali, Celina Pascoe, Leoni Warne: Interactions of organizational culture and collaboration in working and learning. Educational Technology & Society 5(2): (2002)
1EELeoni Warne, Celina Pascoe, Irena M. Ali, K. Agostino, R. Gori: Social Learning and Knowledge Management in the Australian Defence Organisation. ICSTM 2000

Coauthor Index

1K. Agostino [1]
2R. Gori [1]
3Edward Gould [3]
4Helen Hasan [3]
5Henry Linger [3]
6Celina Pascoe [1] [2] [4]
7Leoni Warne [1] [2] [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)