
H. Arafat Ali

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4 H. Arafat Ali, Aly I. El-Desouky, M. Mahfouz: Implementation and Analysis of Bilingual English/Arabic Articulated Document Analysis and Understanding System. I. J. Comput. Appl. 10(2): 83-93 (2003)
3 H. Arafat Ali, Tahany A. Fergany, Reda A. Ammar: Modeling Optimizing Compiler Effects and Processes Communication in Evaluating Software Power Consumption. Computers and Their Applications 2002: 511-
2 H. Arafat Ali, Tahany A. Fergany, Reda A. Ammar: Evaluating software's power consumption. Computers and Their Applications 2001: 88-93
1EEH. Arafat Ali: A new model for monitoring intrusion based on Petri Nets. Inf. Manag. Comput. Security 9(4): 175-182 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Reda A. Ammar [2] [3]
2Aly I. El-Desouky [4]
3Tahany A. Fergany [2] [3]
4M. Mahfouz [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)