
Adel Ali

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3EEMais Nijim, Adel Ali: AdSeD: An Adaptive Quality of Security Control in Disk Systems. CSE 2008: 421-428
2 Bikramjit Banerjee, Matthew Bennett, Mike Johnson, Adel Ali: Congestion Avoidance in Multi-Agent-based Egress Simulation. IC-AI 2008: 151-157
1EEMais Nijim, Ahmed Abukmail, Adel Ali: An energy efficient framework using non-volatile flash memory for networked storage systems. IRI 2008: 463-468

Coauthor Index

1Ahmed Abukmail [1]
2Bikramjit Banerjee [2]
3Matthew Bennett [2]
4Mike Johnson [2]
5Mais Nijim [1] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)