
Antonio J. Alencar

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13EEBreno P. Barbosa, Eber A. Schmitz, Antonio J. Alencar: The case for managerial flexibility in MMF-based software development projects. BDIM 2008: 114-115
12EECarlos Henrique F. Alves, Antonio J. Alencar, Eber A. Schmitz, Armando Leite Ferreira: A quantitative risk model-building method for offshoring IT applications. BDIM 2008: 41-50
11EEAntonio J. Alencar, Leucio T. Cruz, Eber A. Schmitz, Armando Leite Ferreira: Using a novel approach to cluster analysis to gain new valuable insights into software-project risk management. BDIM 2008: 51-60
10 Marcelo Carvalho Fernandes, Antonio J. Alencar, Eber A. Schmitz: An Extreme Programming Release Plan that Maximizes Business Performance. ICEIS (3-2) 2008: 12-22
9 Antonio J. Alencar, Eber A. Schmitz, Enio Pires de Abreu, Marcelo Carvalho Fernandes, Armando Leite Ferreira: Maximizing the Business Value of Software Projects - A Branch & Bound Approach. ICEIS (3-2) 2008: 162-169
8 Eber A. Schmitz, Antonio J. Alencar, Marcelo Carvalho Fernandes, Carlos Mendes de Azevedo: Defining the Implementation Order of Software Projects in Uncertain Environments. ICEIS (3-2) 2008: 23-29
7EERui de Oliveira Victorio, Antonio J. Alencar, Eber A. Schmitz, Armando Leite Ferreira: Increasing the Efficiency of the Investments to Be Made in a Portfolio of IT Projects: A Data Envelopment Analysis Approach. OTM Conferences (1) 2008: 409-417
6EEF. G. Dias, Eber A. Schmitz, M. L. M. Campos, Alexandre L. Correa, Antonio J. Alencar: Elaboration of use case specifications: an approach based on use case fragments. SAC 2008: 614-618
5EEEber A. Schmitz, Antonio J. Alencar, Carlos Mendes de Azevedo: A method for defining the implementation order of software projects under uncertainty. SAC 2008: 844-845
4 Antonio J. Alencar, Gelson Guedes Rodrigues, Eber A. Schmitz, Armando Leite Ferreira: Combining Decorated Classification Trees with RCPS Stochastic Models to Gain New Valuable Insights into Software Project Management. SEKE 2007: 151-156
3 Antonio J. Alencar, Renata Chaomey Wo, Eber A. Schmitz, Armando Leite Ferreira: Do Neural-Network Question-Answering Systems Have a Role to Play in the Deployment of Real World Information Systems?. SEKE 2007: 386-391
2 Antonio J. Alencar, Joseph A. Goguen: OOZE. Object Orientation in Z 1992: 79-94
1EEAntonio J. Alencar, Joseph A. Goguen: OOZE: An Object Oriented Z Environment. ECOOP 1991: 180-199

Coauthor Index

1Enio Pires de Abreu [9]
2Carlos Henrique F. Alves [12]
3Carlos Mendes de Azevedo [5] [8]
4Breno P. Barbosa [13]
5M. L. M. Campos [6]
6Alexandre L. Correa [6]
7Leucio T. Cruz [11]
8F. G. Dias [6]
9Marcelo Carvalho Fernandes [8] [9] [10]
10Armando Leite Ferreira [3] [4] [7] [9] [11] [12]
11Joseph A. Goguen [1] [2]
12Gelson Guedes Rodrigues [4]
13Eber A. Schmitz [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
14Rui de Oliveira Victorio [7]
15Renata Chaomey Wo [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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