
John Alderman

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4EEThomas Healy, Constantin Papadas, Nikos Venios, Frank Clemens, Markus Wegmann, Doerte Winkler, Astrid Ullsperger, Wolf Hartmann, Brendan O'Neill, Julie Donnelly, Anne-Marie Kelleher, John Alderman, Alan Mathewson: Electronically Functional Fibre Technology Development for Ambient Intelligence. The Disappearing Computer 2007: 255-274
3EEFergal Tuffy, L. J. McDaid, Vunfu Wong Kwan, John Alderman, T. Martin McGinnity, Jose A. Santos, P. M. Kelly, Heather M. Sayers: Inter-neuron communication strategies for spiking neural networks. Neurocomputing 71(1-3): 30-44 (2007)
2EEFergal Tuffy, Liam McDaid, T. Martin McGinnity, Jose Santos, Peter Kelly, Vunfu Wong Kwan, John Alderman: A Time Multiplexing Architecture for Inter-neuron Communications. ICANN (1) 2006: 944-952
1EEFergal Tuffy, Liam McDaid, Vunfu Wong Kwan, John Alderman, T. Martin McGinnity, P. M. Kelly, Jose A. Santos: Inter-Neuron Communications for Large-Scale Neural Networks using Capacitive Coupling. IJCNN 2006: 2779-2784

Coauthor Index

1Frank Clemens [4]
2Julie Donnelly [4]
3Wolf Hartmann [4]
4Thomas Healy [4]
5Anne-Marie Kelleher [4]
6P. M. Kelly [1] [3]
7Peter Kelly [2]
8Vunfu Wong Kwan [1] [2] [3]
9Alan Mathewson [4]
10Liam McDaid (L. J. McDaid) [1] [2] [3]
11T. Martin McGinnity [1] [2] [3]
12Brendan O'Neill [4]
13Constantin Papadas [4]
14Jose Santos (José Carlos Almeida Santos) [2]
15Jose A. Santos [1] [3]
16Heather M. Sayers [3]
17Fergal Tuffy [1] [2] [3]
18Astrid Ullsperger [4]
19Nikos Venios [4]
20Markus Wegmann [4]
21Doerte Winkler [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)