
Michel Aldanondo

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5EEMichel Aldanondo, E. Vareilles, Khaled Hadj-Hamou, Paul Gaborit: Aiding design with constraints: an extension of quad trees in order to deal with piecewise functions. Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 21(4): 353-365 (2008)
4EEE. Vareilles, Michel Aldanondo, Paul Gaborit: Evaluation and design: a knowledge-based approach. Int. J. Computer Integrated Manufacturing 20(7): 639-653 (2007)
3EEMichel Aldanondo, E. Vareilles, Khaled Hadj-Hamou, Paul Gaborit: A constraint based approach for aiding heat treatment operation design and distortion evaluation. AIAI 2006: 254-261
2EEJacques Lamothe, Khaled Hadj-Hamou, Michel Aldanondo: An optimization model for selecting a product family and designing its supply chain. European Journal of Operational Research 169(3): 1030-1047 (2006)
1 E. Vareilles, Michel Aldanondo, Khaled Hadj-Hamou, Paul Gaborit: Application des techniques CSP pour la configuration d'un process de traitement thermique. JFPLC 2004

Coauthor Index

1Paul Gaborit [1] [3] [4] [5]
2Khaled Hadj-Hamou [1] [2] [3] [5]
3Jacques Lamothe [2]
4E. Vareilles [1] [3] [4] [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)