
Istvan Albert

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5EEIstvan Albert, Shinichiro Wachi, Cizhong Jiang, B. Franklin Pugh: GeneTrack - a genomic data processing and visualization framework. Bioinformatics 24(10): 1305-1306 (2008)
4EEDan Cosley, Shyong K. Lam, Istvan Albert, Joseph A. Konstan, John Riedl: Is seeing believing?: how recommender system interfaces affect users' opinions. CHI 2003: 585-592
3EEBradley N. Miller, Istvan Albert, Shyong K. Lam, Joseph A. Konstan, John Riedl: MovieLens unplugged: experiences with an occasionally connected recommender system. IUI 2003: 263-266
2EESean M. McNee, Istvan Albert, Dan Cosley, Prateep Gopalkrishnan, Shyong K. Lam, Al Mamunur Rashid, Joseph A. Konstan, John Riedl: On the recommending of citations for research papers. CSCW 2002: 116-125
1EEAl Mamunur Rashid, Istvan Albert, Dan Cosley, Shyong K. Lam, Sean M. McNee, Joseph A. Konstan, John Riedl: Getting to know you: learning new user preferences in recommender systems. IUI 2002: 127-134

Coauthor Index

1Dan Cosley [1] [2] [4]
2Prateep Gopalkrishnan [2]
3Cizhong Jiang [5]
4Joseph A. Konstan [1] [2] [3] [4]
5Shyong K. Lam [1] [2] [3] [4]
6Sean M. McNee [1] [2]
7Bradley N. Miller [3]
8B. Franklin Pugh [5]
9Al Mamunur Rashid [1] [2]
10John Riedl [1] [2] [3] [4]
11Shinichiro Wachi [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)