
Salem Y. Al-Agtash

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4 Salem Y. Al-Agtash, Tamer Al-Dwairy, Adnan El-Nasan, Bruce Mull, Mamdouh Barakat, Anas Shqair: Re-Engineering BLUE Financial System Using Round-Trip Engineering and Java Language Conversion Assistant. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2006: 657-663
3EESalem Y. Al-Agtash, Amjed A. Al-Fahoum: An evolutionary computation approach to electricity trade negotiation. Advances in Engineering Software 36(3): 173-179 (2005)
2EESalem Y. Al-Agtash: Evolutionary Negotiation Strategies in Emerging Electricity Markets. ICAISC 2004: 1099-1104
1 Nabeel I. Al-Fayoumi, Salem Y. Al-Agtash: Agent-Based Electricity Trade. CAINE 2001: 138-141

Coauthor Index

1Tamer Al-Dwairy [4]
2Amjed A. Al-Fahoum [3]
3Nabeel I. Al-Fayoumi [1]
4Mamdouh Barakat [4]
5Adnan El-Nasan [4]
6Bruce Mull [4]
7Anas Shqair [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)