
Mehdi-Laurent Akkar

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5EEMehdi-Laurent Akkar, Régis Bevan, Louis Goubin: Two Power Analysis Attacks against One-Mask Methods. FSE 2004: 332-347
4EEMehdi-Laurent Akkar, Louis Goubin: A Generic Protection against High-Order Differential Power Analysis. FSE 2003: 192-205
3EEMehdi-Laurent Akkar, Nicolas Courtois, Romain Duteuil, Louis Goubin: A Fast and Secure Implementation of Sflash. Public Key Cryptography 2003: 267-278
2EEMehdi-Laurent Akkar, Christophe Giraud: An Implementation of DES and AES, Secure against Some Attacks. CHES 2001: 309-318
1EEMehdi-Laurent Akkar, Régis Bevan, Paul Dischamp, Didier Moyart: Power Analysis, What Is Now Possible.... ASIACRYPT 2000: 489-502

Coauthor Index

1Régis Bevan [1] [5]
2Nicolas Courtois [3]
3Paul Dischamp [1]
4Romain Duteuil [3]
5Christophe Giraud [2]
6Louis Goubin [3] [4] [5]
7Didier Moyart [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)