
Ruj Akavipat

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4EELe-Shin Wu, Ruj Akavipat, Filippo Menczer: Adaptive query routing in peer web search. WWW (Special interest tracks and posters) 2005: 1074-1075
3 Le-Shin Wu, Ruj Akavipat, Filippo Menczer: 6S: Distributing Crawling and Searching Across Web Peers. Web Technologies, Applications, and Services 2005: 159-164
2EERuj Akavipat, Le-Shin Wu, Filippo Menczer: Small world peer networks in distributed web search. WWW (Alternate Track Papers & Posters) 2004: 396-397
1EENorman Carver, Ruj Akavipat: Analyzing the efficiency of strategies for MAS-based sensor interpretation and diagnosis. AAMAS 2003: 956-957

Coauthor Index

1Norman Carver [1]
2Filippo Menczer [2] [3] [4]
3Le-Shin Wu [2] [3] [4]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)