
Hiroki Akama

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2EEKazuhiko Kushima, Hiroki Akama, Seiichi Kon'ya, Masashi Yamamuro: ExSight: Highly Accurate Object Based Image Retrieval System Enhanced by Redundant Object Extraction. Web-Age Information Management 2000: 331-343
1EEKazuyoshi Mii, Yuuichi Teranishi, Akira Kojima, Hiroki Akama, Tetsuji Satoh, Katsumi Teranaka, Junzo Kamahara, Shinji Shimojo, Shojiro Nishio: Design and implementation of a news on-demand system integrating retrieval and editing of news contents. Systems and Computers in Japan 29(10): 1-14 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Junzo Kamahara [1]
2Akira Kojima [1]
3Seiichi Kon'ya [2]
4Kazuhiko Kushima [2]
5Kazuyoshi Mii [1]
6Shojiro Nishio (Shojiro Muro) [1]
7Tetsuji Satoh [1]
8Shinji Shimojo [1]
9Katsumi Teranaka [1]
10Yuuichi Teranishi [1]
11Masashi Yamamuro [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)