
Naseem Ajmal

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5 Naseem Ajmal: Fuzzy Groups with Sup Property. Inf. Sci. 93(3): 247-264 (1996)
4 Naseem Ajmal: The Lattice of Fuzzy Normal Subgroups in Modular. Inf. Sci. 83(3&4): 199-209 (1995)
3 Naseem Ajmal, K. V. Thomas: The Lattices of Fuzzy Subgroups and Fuzzy Normal Subgroups. Inf. Sci. 76(1-2): 1-11 (1994)
2 Naseem Ajmal, K. V. Thomas: Fuzzy Lattices. Inf. Sci. 79(3-4): 271-291 (1994)
1EENaseem Ajmal, Swaroop Prajapati: Fuzzy cosets and fuzzy normal subgroups. Inf. Sci. 64(1-2): 17-25 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Swaroop Prajapati [1]
2K. V. Thomas [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)