
Farid Ajili

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9EEDaniel Lucraft, Andrew Eremin, Farid Ajili: Enforcing path uniqueness in internet routing. SAC 2006: 399-403
8EEWilhelm Cronholm, Farid Ajili, Sofia Panagiotidi: On the Minimal Steiner Tree Subproblem and Its Application in Branch-and-Price. CPAIOR 2005: 125-139
7EEFarid Ajili, Robert Rodosek, Andrew Eremin: A branch-price-and-propagate approach for optimizing IGP weight setting subject to unique shortest paths. SAC 2005: 366-370
6EEWilhelm Cronholm, Farid Ajili: Strong Cost-Based Filtering for Lagrange Decomposition Applied to Network Design. CP 2004: 726-730
5EEFarid Ajili, Hani El Sakkout: A Probe-Based Algorithm for Piecewise Linear Optimization in Scheduling. Annals OR 118(1-4): 35-48 (2003)
4EEFarid Ajili, Hendrik C. R. Lock: Integrating Constraint Propagation in Complete Solving of Linear Diophantine Systems. PLILP/ALP 1998: 463-480
3 Farid Ajili, Claude Kirchner: A Modular Framework for the Combination of Unification and Built-In Constraints. ICLP 1997: 331-345
2EEFarid Ajili, Evelyne Contejean: Avoiding Slack Variables in the Solving of Linear Diophantine Equations and Inequations. Theor. Comput. Sci. 173(1): 183-208 (1997)
1 Farid Ajili, Evelyne Contejean: Complete Solving of Linear Diophantine Equations and Inequations without Adding Variables. CP 1995: 1-17

Coauthor Index

1Evelyne Contejean [1] [2]
2Wilhelm Cronholm [6] [8]
3Andrew Eremin [7] [9]
4Claude Kirchner [3]
5Hendrik C. R. Lock [4]
6Daniel Lucraft [9]
7Sofia Panagiotidi [8]
8Robert Rodosek [7]
9Hani El Sakkout [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)