
Sanjay P. Ahuja

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15EEJames P. Sweeney, Sanjay P. Ahuja: Heuristic solutions to resource allocation in grid computing: a natural approach. The Journal of Supercomputing 44(2): 179-198 (2008)
14EESanjay P. Ahuja, Raquel Clark: Comparison of Web Services Technologies from a Developer's Perspective. ITCC (2) 2005: 791-792
13 Sanjay P. Ahuja, Raquel Clark: A Performance Evaluation of Web Services Infrastructure. International Conference on Internet Computing 2005: 75-81
12EESanjay P. Ahuja, Roger Eggen, Anjani K. Jha: A Performance Evaluation of Distributed Algorithms on Shared Memory and Message Passing Middleware Platforms. Informatica (Slovenia) 29(3): 327-334 (2005)
11 Sanjay P. Ahuja, Krishna Dendukuri: Security problems in 802.11 based wireless networks. Communications, Internet, and Information Technology 2004: 195-200
10 Roger Eggen, Sanjay P. Ahuja, Paul Elliott, Maurice Eggen: Efficiency considerations between common web applications using the soap protocol. Communications, Internet, and Information Technology 2004: 461-465
9 Sherif A. Elfayoumy, Stanley Jefson, Sanjay P. Ahuja: A Distributed Multiagent Architecture Representing a Virtual Marketplace. Computers and Their Applications 2004: 321-324
8 Sherif A. Elfayoumy, Yue Yang, Sanjay P. Ahuja: Anti-Spam Filtering Using Neural Networks. IC-AI 2004: 984-989
7 Sherif A. Elfayoumy, Rahul Shrivastava, Sanjay P. Ahuja: A Web-Based XML Editor. International Conference on Internet Computing 2004: 31-34
6 Sanjay P. Ahuja, Raquel Clark, Roger Eggen, Sherif A. Elfayoumy: Performance Assessment of Open Source Java Based CORBA ORBs: Middleware for Internet Applications. International Conference on Internet Computing 2004: 410-415
5 Sanjay P. Ahuja, Raquel Clark: On the Design of Web Services. International Conference on Internet Computing 2004: 740-743
4 Sanjay P. Ahuja: A Distributed Computing Course with Java Based Middleware Projects. PDPTA 2004: 1013-1016
3 Roger Eggen, Sanjay P. Ahuja, Cullen Waters: RMI, Jini, and JavaSpaces: An Efficiency Comparison. PDPTA 2004: 1017-1020
2 Sanjay P. Ahuja, Anjani K. Jha: Comparing Shared Memory an Message Passing Middleware. PDPTA 2004: 1250-1255
1EESanjay P. Ahuja, Renato Quintao: Performance Evaluation of Java RMI: A Distributed Object Architecture for Internet Based Applications. MASCOTS 2000: 565-

Coauthor Index

1Raquel Clark [5] [6] [13] [14]
2Krishna Dendukuri [11]
3Maurice Eggen [10]
4Roger Eggen [3] [6] [10] [12]
5Sherif A. Elfayoumy [6] [7] [8] [9]
6Paul Elliott [10]
7Stanley Jefson [9]
8Anjani K. Jha [2] [12]
9Renato Quintao [1]
10Rahul Shrivastava [7]
11James P. Sweeney [15]
12Cullen Waters [3]
13Yue Yang [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)