
Mohiuddin Ahmed

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5EEMohiuddin Ahmed, Mohd. Adam Suhaimi, Quazi Shoyweeb Md. Faisal, Shariq Haseeb: Evaluating QoS performance of streaming video on both IPv4 and IPv6 protocols. SpringSim (1) 2007: 109-116
4EERafikul Islam, Mohiuddin Ahmed, Masliza Hj. Alias: Application of Quality Function Deployment in redesigning website: a case study on TV3. IJBIS 2(2): 195-216 (2007)
3EEMohiuddin Ahmed, Rafikul Islam, Salim Khloof Al-Wahaibi: Developing quality healthcare software using quality function deployment: a case study based on Sultan Qaboos University Hospital. IJBIS 1(4): 408-425 (2006)
2 Mohiuddin Ahmed, Son Dao: Protocols for Enhancing Gateway Dependability in Hybrid Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Computers and Their Applications 2003: 114-117
1EEMohiuddin Ahmed, Srikanth V. Krishnamurthy, Randy H. Katz, Son K. Dao: Trajectory control of mobile gateways for range extension in ad hoc networks. Computer Networks 39(6): 809-825 (2002)

Coauthor Index

1Salim Khloof Al-Wahaibi [3]
2Masliza Hj. Alias [4]
3Son Dao [2]
4Son K. Dao [1]
5Quazi Shoyweeb Md. Faisal [5]
6Shariq Haseeb [5]
7Rafikul Islam [3] [4]
8Randy H. Katz [1]
9Srikanth V. Krishnamurthy [1]
10Mohd. Adam Suhaimi [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)