
H. M. Ahmed

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4EEH. M. Ahmed, S. I. El-Soubhy: Recurrences and explicit formulae for the expansion and connection coefficients in series of ordinary Bessel polynomials. Applied Mathematics and Computation 199(2): 482-493 (2008)
3EES. A. Ashour, H. M. Ahmed: A Gauss quadrature rule for hypersingular integrals. Applied Mathematics and Computation 186(2): 1671-1682 (2007)
2EES. A. Ashour, H. M. Ahmed: Derivation of the errors involved in Hermite interpolation and their applications to quadrature formulae. Applied Mathematics and Computation 181(2): 1482-1489 (2006)
1 C. V. W. Armstrong, N. A. Brans, H. M. Ahmed: An Adaptive Multimicroprocessor Array Computing Structure for Radar Signal Processing Applications. ISCA 1979: 68-74

Coauthor Index

1C. V. W. Armstrong [1]
2S. A. Ashour [2] [3]
3N. A. Brans [1]
4S. I. El-Soubhy [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)