
Mónica Aguilar-Igartua

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6EEIsabel Victoria Martín Faus, Juan J. Alins-Delgado, Mónica Aguilar-Igartua, Jorge Mata-Díaz: Performability Analysis of an Adaptive-Rate Video-Streaming Service in End-to-End QoS Scenarios. DSOM 2005: 157-168
5EEIsabel Victoria Martín Faus, Juan J. Alins-Delgado, Mónica Aguilar-Igartua, Jorge Mata-Díaz: Modelling an Adaptive-Rate Video-Streaming Service Using Markov-Rewards Models. QSHINE 2004: 92-99
4 Marcos Postigo-Boix, Joan García-Haro, Mónica Aguilar-Igartua: A Cost Optimization Methodology for Internet Transmission of Semi- Elastic Traffic Flows. International Conference on Internet Computing 2002: 311-318
3 Mónica Aguilar-Igartua, Marcos Postigo-Boix, Joan García-Haro: ATM Inverse Multiplexing. Fundamentals and Markovian Single-Server Queue Analysis for Performance Evaluation and Validation Purposes. Telecommunication Systems 21(1): 103-136 (2002)
2EEMarcos Postigo-Boix, Joan García-Haro, Mónica Aguilar-Igartua: IMA: technical foundations, application and performance analysis. Computer Networks 35(2-3): 165-183 (2001)
1EEMarcos Postigo-Boix, Mónica Aguilar-Igartua, Joan García-Haro: Inverse Multiplexing for ATM. Technical Operation, Applications and Performance Evaluation Study. ISCC 2000: 391-396

Coauthor Index

1Juan J. Alins-Delgado [5] [6]
2Isabel Victoria Martín Faus [5] [6]
3Joan García-Haro [1] [2] [3] [4]
4Jorge Mata-Díaz [5] [6]
5Marcos Postigo-Boix [1] [2] [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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