
Mona Aggarwal

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3EEAkshai K. Aggarwal, Mona Aggarwal: A Unified Scheduling Algorithm for Grid Applications. HPCS 2006: 1
2EEDavid McBride, Marko Krznaric, Olivier van der Aa, Mona Aggarwal, John Darlington, Dave Colling: Running a Production Grid Site at the London e-Science Centre. e-Science 2006: 153
1EEMona Aggarwal, Robert D. Kent, Alioune Ngom: Genetic Algorithm Based Scheduler for Computational Grids. HPCS 2005: 209-215

Coauthor Index

1Olivier van der Aa [2]
2Akshai K. Aggarwal [3]
3Dave Colling (D. Colling) [2]
4John Darlington [2]
5Robert D. Kent [1]
6Marko Krznaric [2]
7David McBride [2]
8Alioune Ngom [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)