
Geert Adriaens

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8EEDirk Speelman, Geert Adriaens: A Dutch to SQL database interface using Generalized Quantifier Theory. COLING 1994: 1029-1033
7EEThierry Fontenelle, Geert Adriaens, Gert De Braekeleer: The lexical unit in the metal® MT system. Machine Translation 9(1): 1-19 (1994)
6EEGeert Adriaens, Gert De Braekeleer: Converting Large On-Line Valency Dictionaries For NLP Applications: From Proton Descriptions To Metal Frames. COLING 1992: 1182-1186
5EEPeter Spyns, Geert Adriaens: Applying And Improving The Restriction Grammar Approach For Dutch Patient Discharge Summaries. COLING 1992: 1264-1268
4EEGeert Adriaens, Dirk Schreurs: From Cogram To Alcogram: Toward A Controlled English Grammar Checker. COLING 1992: 595-601
3EEGeert Adriaens, Maarten Lemmens: The Self-Extending Lexicon: Off-Line And On-Line Defaulting Of Lexical Information In The Metal Machine Translation System. COLING 1990: 305-307
2 M. Devos, Geert Adriaens, Yves D. Willems: The Parallel Expert Parser (PEP): a thoroughly revised descendent of the Word Expert Parser (WEP). COLING 1988: 142-147
1 Geert Adriaens: WEP (Word Expert Parsing) Revised and Applied to Dutch. ECAI 1986: 403-416

Coauthor Index

1Gert De Braekeleer [6] [7]
2M. Devos [2]
3Thierry Fontenelle [7]
4Maarten Lemmens [3]
5Dirk Schreurs [4]
6Dirk Speelman [8]
7Peter Spyns [5]
8Yves D. Willems [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)