
Péter Adorján

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10EEJörn Lewin, Armin O. Schmitt, Péter Adorján, Thomas Hildmann, Christian Piepenbrock: Quantitative DNA methylation analysis based on four-dye trace data from direct sequencing of PCR amplificates. Bioinformatics 20(17): 3005-3012 (2004)
9 Fabian Model, Thomas König, Christian Piepenbrock, Péter Adorján: Statistical process control for large scale microarray experiments. ISMB 2002: 155-163
8 Fabian Model, Péter Adorján, Alexander Olek, Christian Piepenbrock: Feature selection for DNA methylation based cancer classification. ISMB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2001: 157-164
7EELars Schwabe, Péter Adorján, Klaus Obermayer: Spike-frequency adaptation as a mechanism for dynamic coding in V1. Neurocomputing 38-40: 351-358 (2001)
6EELars Schwabe, Péter Adorján, Klaus Obermayer: A Dynamic Cortical Amplifier Model for Fast Information Processing. IJCNN (5) 2000: 431-435
5EEPéter Adorján, Lars Schwabe, Christian Piepenbrock, Klaus Obermayer: Recurrent Cortical Competition: Strengthen or Weaken? NIPS 1999: 89-95
4EEPéter Adorján, György Barna, Péter Érdi, Klaus Obermayer: A statistical neural field approach to orientation selectivity. Neurocomputing 26-27: 313-318 (1999)
3 Martin Stetter, Péter Adorján, Hauke Bartsch, Klaus Obermayer: Modelling Contrast Adaptation and Contextual Effects in Primary Visual Cortex. ICONIP 1998: 669-672
2EEPéter Adorján, Klaus Obermayer: Contrast Adaptation in Simple Cells by Changing the Transmitter Release Probability. NIPS 1998: 76-82
1 Ute Bauer, Péter Adorján, Michael Scholz, Jonathan B. Levitt, Jennifer S. Lund, Klaus Obermayer: On the Anatomical Basis of Field Size, Contrast Sensitivity, and Orientation Selectivity in Macaque Striate Cortex: A Model Study. ICANN 1997: 213-218

Coauthor Index

1György Barna [4]
2Hauke Bartsch [3]
3Ute Bauer [1]
4Péter Érdi [4]
5Thomas Hildmann [10]
6Thomas König [9]
7Jonathan B. Levitt [1]
8Jörn Lewin [10]
9Jennifer S. Lund [1]
10Fabian Model [8] [9]
11Klaus Obermayer [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
12Alexander Olek [8]
13Christian Piepenbrock [5] [8] [9] [10]
14Armin O. Schmitt [10]
15Michael Scholz [1]
16Lars Schwabe [5] [6] [7]
17Martin Stetter [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)